Wednesday, August 29

Photographic Friends

Over the years I have been lucky to have many friends and relatives who are amazing photographers and they are responsible for the photos on my website. (All the bad photos were taken my me!). It all started way back circa 1999 when I had my first son Emory. We were living in Emeryville Ca, outside San Francisco, and our mutual landlord introduced me to Angela Lang. Angela has an amazing eye and her photos of kids and babies capture every swirl of hair, every chubby fat roll, and every eyelash. I just knew I wanted her to do my very first photos when I started Shescrafty in 2001. Since moving to Wellington, it hasn't been so easy to do photos over 6000 miles so unfortunately, we haven't worked together in a few years.

Lucky for me, my Mother in Law, Helena moved to Wellington shortly after and she was able to practice her Photographic skills on new baby Jasper. Helena and I had many fun afternoons posing Jasper in my knitwear and taking photos. I can't believe that he was ever this little!

Shortly after Jasper grew out of being a model, my good friend Tannya (who makes my printed patterns look pretty) introduced me to Virginia Woods-Jack and it is pretty lucky that V has 2 gorgeous girls who are the perfect models. Virginia takes amazing photos that I can't get enough of.


:: melissa :: said...

Your photos always look amazing. I love the little blanket in the photo at the top - it's gorgeous

whit said...

I agree, your knitting always looks fabulous, and these models are so beautiful.